Units: Document Handling
Topic: Document Structure / Document Functions
At the conclusion of this exercise, you will be able to:
·Use the basic document functions in Business One
You are using SAP Business One to handle your procurement, sales, and inventory processes. The documents according to the different processes are basically similar, so you can learn the basic functions on the basis of a purchase order.
1-1-4 Use the Drag and Relate functionality to select the correct purchase order. The first possibility is to work with the filter and the second is to drag the business partner to the purchase orders.
1-1-5 After you have found your purchase order, maintain the following changes:
1-1-5-1 Add a row.
1-1-5-2 Delete one or several rows.
1-1-5-3 Duplicate a row and enter a new quantity for the new row. Which definition is necessary to combine rows with the same item in one common row?
1-1-5-4 After testing the impact of this definition set No Summary again!
Change the Item Description in a row. How can you leave this field?
1-1-5-5 Navigate into the Price field of a row and select Ctrl + Tab. What information is displayed?
1-1-5-6 Double-click on a row number. What window opens?
1-1-5-7 Do not close this Line Details window, but navigate to the Warehouse field (Whse) and select Ctrl + Tab. What information is displayed?
1-1-5-8 Update the changes in the purchase order. Then let the system show you the history of your changes.