Write your answer in a whole sheet of paper.
- List three computer-related technologies that have made unauthorized copying of intellectual property significantly easier and more common than it was 25 years ago.
- What is one of the main purposes of laws to restrict copying of intellectual property without authorization of the copyright owner?
- What is one factor that, according to copyright law, is to be considered when deciding if a use of copyrighted material is a "fair use"?
- What was one of the main conclusions in the Supreme Court's decision in the Sony Betamax case?
- Name two countries where it is estimated that more than half of the business software in use is pirated (i.e., sold without authorization of the publisher).
- What is one negative result of large-scale piracy of intellectual property?
- What is the main provision of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act?
- What information or data support the view that widespread sharing of music on the Web affects sales of (legal) music CDs?
- Mention two formats in which DeCSS was put on the Web to emphasize the difficulty of distinguishing software from forms of speech protected by the First Amendment.
- What is one controversial action the music industry took to reduce unauthorized copying of music?
- Give two examples of devices or media the entertainment industry tried to keep off the market because they would make copying easier.
- Describe one technical method used to protect copyrighted software.
- What argument does philosopher Helen Nissenbaum give in favor of the ethical correctness of giving a friend an unauthorized copy of software?
- What is one reason why people might continue to develop software even if it were not protected by copyright?
- What is one of Richard Stallman's arguments against software copyright?
- Give an argument for copyright protection for user interfaces. (This is the "look-and-feel" controversy.)
- Give an argument against copyright protection for user interfaces. (This is the "look-and-feel" controversy.)