Chapter 6: Gift of Fire

Chapter 6 guide questions.
Write your answer in a whole sheet of paper.
  1. List three computer-related technologies that have made unauthorized copying of intellectual property significantly easier and more common than it was 25 years ago.
  2. What is one of the main purposes of laws to restrict copying of intellectual property without authorization of the copyright owner?
  3. What is one factor that, according to copyright law, is to be considered when deciding if a use of copyrighted material is a "fair use"?
  4. What was one of the main conclusions in the Supreme Court's decision in the Sony Betamax case?
  5. Name two countries where it is estimated that more than half of the business software in use is pirated (i.e., sold without authorization of the publisher).
  6. What is one negative result of large-scale piracy of intellectual property?
  7. What is the main provision of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act?
  8. What information or data support the view that widespread sharing of music on the Web affects sales of (legal) music CDs?
  9. Mention two formats in which DeCSS was put on the Web to emphasize the difficulty of distinguishing software from forms of speech protected by the First Amendment.
  10. What is one controversial action the music industry took to reduce unauthorized copying of music?
  11. Give two examples of devices or media the entertainment industry tried to keep off the market because they would make copying easier.
  12. Describe one technical method used to protect copyrighted software.
  13. What argument does philosopher Helen Nissenbaum give in favor of the ethical correctness of giving a friend an unauthorized copy of software?
  14. What is one reason why people might continue to develop software even if it were not protected by copyright?
  15. What is one of Richard Stallman's arguments against software copyright?
  16. Give an argument for copyright protection for user interfaces. (This is the "look-and-feel" controversy.)
  17. Give an argument against copyright protection for user interfaces. (This is the "look-and-feel" controversy.)

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