- a book element, with all details concerning a book, such as the publisher, the ISBN number, the genre and the publication date;
- an author element containting the info about the author: mames, etc;
- cardinality constraints, and other types of constraints (required, etc)
Test II (20 pts). Populate this schema with at least five books. Both files produced for task 1 and task 2 should be validated, in order to check that they don't contain any mistake.
Test III (25 pts). Write an XSLT transformation that takes as input the XML files of two different bookstores, and outputs the combined data in the format of a given common DTD. The output should be an XML file that is valid with respect to the following DTD.
The two input files are:
*bookstore that conforms to the Bookstore.dtd;
* XML-classic that conforms to the classic.dtd.
You may assume that these input files are valid with respect to their DTDs. Don't forget to inlcude this DTD in the external subset of the output file.
To answer this problem try the following:
Example of a schema: BibClass.xsd rename the extension of the file into .xsd
Example of a dtd: BibClass.dtd rename the extension of the file into .dtd
Example of xslt: simple.xsl rename the extension of the file into .xsl
The XML file: Ballads.xml
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