1-1 Add a new item in the system and maintain prices manually.
Choose Data ® Add.
Field Name or Data Type | Values |
Item | T2002 |
Description | Treadmill |
Price List | 01 Purchase Price List |
| 150 |
Price List | Price List High Volume |
| 400 |
Price List | Price List Low Volume |
| 500 |
Add the item master record and maintain all the prices in the specified price lists for the item master record. Alternately, you can save the item master record and enter the prices in the Inventory ® Price Lists ® Price Lists menu by double-clicking each price list and entering the required price for the item.
1-2 Choose Business Partners ® Business Partner Master Data
Field Name or Data Type | Values |
Code | TC200 |
| Customer |
Name | Smith Inc. |
Choose the price list Price List Low Volume on the Payment Terms tab page.
1-2-1 Choose Sales-A/R ® Sales Order
Field Name or Data Type | Values |
Customer | TC200 |
Item | T2002 |
Check the price by displaying the item master record and comparing the price in the document with the price in the Price List Low Volume price list.
Create item T2004 and assign a price of 300.00 units of national currency to the
01 Purchase Price List.
Field Name or Data Type | Values |
Customer | TC200 |
Item | T2004 |
The system will choose the Price List Low Volume price list for the document. This price list is maintained in the business partner master record (see above).
Choose Form Settings ® Table tab in order to assign the Test price list to the document. Choose OK and answer the question, “Update prices in existing rows?” with Yes.
The system then uses the price of the Test price list (600.00 units of national currency).
Choose Form Settings ® Table tab in order to assign the Test price list to the document. Choose OK and answer the question, “Update prices in existing rows?” with Yes.
The system then uses the price of the Test price list (600.00 units of national currency).
1-3 Calculate prices automatically using the Last Purchase Price list.
Choose Data ® Add.
Field Name or Data Type | Values |
Item | T2003 |
Do not enter any price!
Choose Inventory ® Price Lists ® Price Lists in order to check the price in the Last Purchase Price list.
Choose Inventory ® Price Lists ® Price Lists in order to check the price in the Last Purchase Price list.
1-3-2 Choose Purchasing-A/P ® Purchase Order.
Field Name or Data Type | Values |
Vendor | S1000 |
Item | T2003 |
Quantity | 10 |
Price | 250 |
Choose Purchasing-A/P ® Goods Receipt
Field Name or Data Type | Values |
Vendor | S1000 |
Choose Purchase Order.
Choose Inventory ® Price Lists ® Price Lists in order to check the price in the Last Purchase Price list
The system did not automatically copy the last purchase price of 250.00 units of the national currency until the AP invoice was entered.
Choose Inventory ® Price Lists ® Price Lists in order to check the price in the Last Purchase Price list
The system did not automatically copy the last purchase price of 250.00 units of the national currency until the AP invoice was entered.
Field Name or Data Type | Values |
Vendor | S1000 |
Choose Goods Receipt PO .
The prices are only calculated automatically if the other price lists (Purchase Price List, Store, Reseller, and so on.) refer to the Last Purchase Price list.
1-4 Special prices
Field Name or Data Type | Values |
BP Code | C1000 |
Price List | Price List Low Volume |
Discount Percentage | 10 |
Item No. | A1008 |
Field Name or Data Type | Values |
Item No. | A1005 |
Price List | Price List Low Volume |
Discount Percentage | 0 |
By selecting the row containing item A1005, you can display a time interval. By double-clicking this interval, you can display the quantity scale. Enter a validity interval of three months and a quantity-based discount (5% discount as of two units, 10% as of four units).
Create a sales order for 5 units of A1005 and A1008 and check that the prices are correct.
Choose Sales-A/R ® Sales Order
Field Name or Data Type | Values |
Customer | C1000 |
Item | A1008 and A1005 |
Quantity | 5 |
At header level, enter the business partner from whom you want to copy the special prices (C1000) and choose a selection of partners to whom you want to copy the special prices (C1002 in the From and To fields). Items: Code From A1005 To A1008, radio-button: Replace All Items
Choose customer C1003 and for the item group Ballgames, create a 10% discount. By choosing the Copy to Selection Criteria button, you can copy the discount information to C1004 (in the From and To fields).
Create an order and check the prices. Make sure that the item is assigned to the Ballgames item group.
Choose Sales-A/R ® Sales Order
Field Name or Data Type | Values |
Customer | C1004 |
Item | for example A1006 |