1-1 Choose Purchasing-A/P ® Purchase Order
1-1-1 Choose the Tab key in the Vendor (Number) field, and the List of Business Partners window opens. Double-click on the BP Name column and enter B into the Find field. The system positions on the first entry beginning with B.
Enter B* into the (Vendor) Name field, choose the Tab key, and the Choose from List window opens. The system positions directly on the first entry beginning with B and only displays the entries beginning with B.
Enter B* into the (Vendor) Name field, choose the Tab key, and the Choose from List window opens. The system positions directly on the first entry beginning with B and only displays the entries beginning with B.
If you know the document number you can type it in directly.
You can use Data ® Next Record, Previous Record, First Data Record, Last Data Record or the corresponding buttons in the tool bar.
If you know the vendor number, type it into the Vendor (Number) field and add *S1003*. The List of Purchase Orders with all purchase orders of the vendor S1003 opens.
Select Purchase Order. All purchase orders are displayed. therefore, use the Filter function to select the purchase orders only of the vendor S1003 (Customer/Vendor Equal S1003).
Select Business Partners. All Business Partners display. Drag business partner S1003 to Purchase Order, so you get only purchase orders for the vendor S1003.
Data ® Add Row or right mouse-click ® Add Row.
Data ® Delete Row or right mouse-click ® Delete Row.
Data ® Duplicate Row or right mouse-click ® Duplicate Row
In order to group different rows by item, choose Summary Type: By Items.
After changing the item description, select Ctrl+Tab in order to leave the field.
The Last Prices Report window opens, displaying last prices out of documents and Special Prices.
The Row Details … window opens.
The Available quantity, physical quantity In Stock, the Committed quantity and the Ordered quantity for the item per warehouse display.
Choose Update.
From the menu bar, choose:
Tools ® Change Log.
Data ® Delete Row or right mouse-click ® Delete Row.
Data ® Duplicate Row or right mouse-click ® Duplicate Row
In order to group different rows by item, choose Summary Type: By Items.
After changing the item description, select Ctrl+Tab in order to leave the field.
The Last Prices Report window opens, displaying last prices out of documents and Special Prices.
The Row Details … window opens.
The Available quantity, physical quantity In Stock, the Committed quantity and the Ordered quantity for the item per warehouse display.
Choose Update.
From the menu bar, choose:
Tools ® Change Log.
1-2 Choose Purchasing-A/P ® Purchase Order.
1-2-3 You can save the purchase order as a draft. From the purchase order, choose: File ® Save as Draft.
Confirm the Selection Criteria with OK, highlight the respective draft and choose Go to ® Document Drafts or simply double-click the respective draft. The Purchase Order – Draft window opens. Post any changes and choose Add to create the real purchase order out of the draft.
In order to delete the draft, choose Document Drafts ® Data ® Remove or right mouse-click ® Remove.